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  1. I love knitflixing, too! It’s my favorite way to spend a winter day. I’m ashamed to say I’m currently working my way through Dance Moms… again. 😂

    1. I have to admit, that’s not one I’ve watched yet! But at this rate, eventually, I’ll make my way through all the tv ever made, so… 😉

    1. I hope you enjoy it! I got super hooked and binged the whole series in a few weeks. There are some really, really difficult episodes, but it’s compelling storytelling, and I couldn’t stop.

  2. Lupin is so good!How do you watch something with subtitles while you knit? I’ve tried and it’s too many things at once!

    1. It helps that when I knitflix, I’m generally watching on my laptop! That way, everything is in the same line of sight, generally. I wouldn’t be able to do it if it were up on a tv where I had to look away from my knitting to read the subtitles.

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