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  1. My stash is HUGE. Mainly cashmere – like 8 large 8 gallon tube. Boutique yarns. Cashmere silk (65/35) yarns (I recently started using these precious yarns for gifts & such a delight to knit). Cashmere is lace to bulky, most in the middle. I love and dread my stash. Organized now my yarn company. Very large to small bins (Galler Pashmina). But have to knit it up & I’m over 70

  2. When last I checked, I had 61 miles of yarn. (You can export your stash from R@velry and add up the yards column.) I just looked, and by # of stashes, light fingering and fingering are the largest categories, which doesn’t surprise me at all. I like knitting socks and I like stranded knitting, and both happen most often with fingering.

    Do I hate and decry my stash? Nope. I love that I have so many possibilities. Most are already designated for a project–usually before I even buy it–but I very often shift yarns around when I find a project I like better for it.

    I do “air out the stash” periodically, and give away yarns I’m no longer enamored with. But my stash is not mostly leftovers–I find that fascinating!

  3. My stash of yarn is in 2 places. Ordinary acrylic yarn for baby afghans is in the garage, bagged by color. Scraps become knitted hats for the food pantry to give out. I buy gloves to match.

  4. The “special” yarns, angora,wool,alpaca,silk,mohair,reside in my great grandmother’s sweet roll top trunk with her name on it,bought for her when she went to Mount Holyoke. I was named for her. Other plastic bags piled on top. I have been knitting for 60 years(I’m 73.) So my goal is to make sweaters,vests, and socks for my sister and her 3 sons and daughter. I finished 25+ sweaters since lockdown 3/1/2020. Alpaca scraps will be striped socks and so on.So now I’ll try to resist all the gorgeous yarns on sale!

    1. You’ve been amazingly productive these last couple years! I hope the knitting has been good company and you’ve enjoyed every stitch.

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