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  1. My ex once asked me what I was doing while I was working on a sweater with an all-over intarsia pattern. I showed him how the chart worked, and he said, “oh, so it’s just like painting by numbers then.”

    Yeah, except for the part where I changed the colour scheme and repositioned the motifs in my head without redrawing the chart. Grrr.

    And even with painting by numbers, there’s figuring out how much paint to put on the brush, and the strategy of which areas to colour in which order, plus brush technique.

    As you said, people need to appreciate that there is space for creativity… on easy mode, I guess?

    1. Creativity exists in all sorts of unexpected places! And the more we all engage with and explore our creativity in whatever ways are available to us, the better for everyone, I think.

  2. When I first started knitting, I never thought I was creative either but when I first made a case for my iPhone, that changed my ideas. I’ve made a few things without a pattern but what I would never become a designer. Writing it down seems more complicated!😂😂

    1. Writing a good pattern is definitely a separate skill set from creating a good design, but it’s also something that can be learned. I love the puzzle of figuring out how to explain the thing in my head clearly enough that other people can make it, too 😊

    2. @Lauren Rad, I’m finding the same to be true for me as well. It makes the logical side of my mind work with the creative.

      1. Yes, definitely! I find that it exercises the same part of my brain I used to use for my legal work. I still need to think about structure, clarity, efficiency, and cohesiveness. It’s a lot of fun.

  3. Thank you for this article! People need to feel their creative sense from an early age and parents can help their children with this! It’s an important part of development that will stay with them through life, and it’s fun. I was lucky, my grandparents were creative artistic people, so I was always exposed to “Making”. I thought that’s what everyone did. Now I know how special this is.
    Keep in mind, learning to cook, loving to cook is also creating!
    I believe the more creative we can be, the more peaceful we can feel.

    1. I love this! Yes, creativity shows up in all sorts of ways and places. The more we make and do and explore and grow, the more that creativity shows itself.

  4. Just finishing a first design project, no pattern needed. Really enjoying the creative process and making it work on for me. So nice to see others feel the same.

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