Thanks for visiting! The Profiterole Hat was free for the month of February 2020 to celebrate the #WinterventionKAL. Here are links where you can find it now:
Find the Profiterole Hat on Etsy
Find the Profiterole Hat on Payhip
Find the Profiterole Hat on Ravelry
Winter has always been a hard season for me, and the hardest month of that season seems to be February. The holidays are over, and the decorations have been put away. January’s enthusiasm for a fresh new year has worn off. The days are still short, the weather is still chilly, and everything just feels blah.
It’s rough on the ole mental health, isn’t it? Or at least, that’s how I’ve always felt. Thanks to knitting, my mental health in winter isn’t as bad as it could be, but oof, things still feel less than ideal around here.
This year, I’ve decided to do something about it.
In case you missed the news over on Instagram, I’m hosting a knit-along to chase away the winter blues. I’ll have some prizes at the halfway and endpoint for everybody stitching along, but what I’m really hoping to do is build a community for everybody who is struggling through these last bleak days of winter. Knitting is a great mental health tool, and community is, too. We can use the hashtag to check in on each other, cheer each other’s progress, and make new friends. That’s how I most enjoy using social media.
Here’s how it’ll work:
Starting on February 1 and going through February 29, 2020, we’ll all get to work on knitting cozy hats to make it through the end of winter. I like hats because they’re small and quick, so you can feel a sense of accomplishment easily, plus you can never have too many hats, right? Any knit hat will do, and you can knit whatever pattern you’d like, whether it’s something you’ve already made a dozen times before, something that’s been sitting in your queue for ages, something you’ve made up yourself, etc. Buuut…
Just in case you want to knit something new, I’m releasing the Profiterole Hat as a free pattern for the month of February! It will only be free through February 29, so snap it up!
And if the Profiterole Hat isn’t your jam, but you’d still like to try something new, I’ve got something for you, too – all my hat patterns are 20% off on Ravelry from February 1, 2020 through February 29, 2020.
When you share your progress on a knit hat, tag your photo with #WinterventionKAL. That will help everybody find each other’s photos and get to know each other. It will also help me figure out who to send prizes to, because…
On February 15 and February 29, I’ll be drawing names to send a prize to the winners. Each day will have one winner, and you don’t have to buy anything to enter. All you have to do is post a photo of your knit hat-in-progress on Instagram and tag it using #WinterventionKAL. I’ll post prize previews on Instagram a few days before each drawing, and if you’re the winner, I’ll tag you in an announcement post and DM you on Instagram.
The prizes aren’t sponsored by anybody (I’ve bought them myself at normal prices), nor is any of this sponsored by Instagram or any other platform. This is just me wanting to spread some joy and warmth during a harsh time of year.
I’m excited to see what we all get up to this month, and really looking forward to getting to know all of you a little better. Here’s hoping the knitting will help our wintry mental health, give us a stronger community, and keep us cozy. Happy stitching, friends!
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