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  1. Dear Lauren

    Thank you so much for the free knitting pattern when signup at email

    Question: there was a beautiful Lace Shawl it was light weight shawl the color was Mustard (yello)
    Yellow it has a light weight Vintage Brooch on the shawl

    Do you have the shawl pattern to purchase and what is name of the shawl
    Hope you help me to find pattern
    Also I so much enjoyed the website on tea and knitting
    I knit a lot when I can in between teaching Montessori children,s
    I do love the style of knitting you show on vintage brooch with that shawl
    Not the black brooch it the other vintage brooch lighter on shawl

    Thank you so much

    Warm regards


  2. I used to have long hair and now I have several cloth covered elastic ponytail holders. I use them to secure the shawl and it works perfectly without damaging my knitting. I hope you like this idea.
    Sharon Pugh

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